The Association of Critical Infrastructure of the Czech Republic (AKI CR) in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIT) presents possible steps for the „reactivation“ of organizational units, processes and activities restricted due to the pandemic situation caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, the state of emergency declared by the Government of the Czech Republic and subsequent emergency measures.

We consider this document to be a working document. We therefore plan to publish new findings, approaches and recommendations according to how suitable and efficient they prove to be in practice and how their benefits will be shown with regard to the current emergency state measures and the actual development of the pandemic.

While the Association already published the same material in Czech, our goal is to provide useful information to as many people as possible, including our colleagues abroad or expats living in the Czech Republic.

The PDF file containg all recommended mesasures can be displayed through your web browser, alternatively, you can also download the file for free.